
2014 / Notebook for Art, Theory and Related Zones, grant provided by the Ministry of Culture of the CR

2014 / Action Prague. A guide to action art of the 1960s–80s, grant provided by the Prague Municipal Authorities

2014 / Action Prague. A guide to action art of the 1960s–80s, grant provided by the Ministry of Culture of the CR

2013 / Notebook for Art, Theory and Related Zones, grant provided by the Ministry of Culture of the CR

2013-2014 / House of Art Budějovice 1998–2012, grant provided by the State Fund for Culture of the CR

2013–2015 / Lifelong Learning Programme “Everybody is illiterate. How to learn how to teach”, programme Grundtvig, grant provided by Centre for International Cooperation in Education

2012 / Notebook for Art, Theory and Related Zones, grant provided by the Ministry of Culture of the CR

2012 / Exhibitions, symposium and publication of the work of fine arts students at Czech tertiary art schools, grant provided by the Ministry of Education (centralised development project)

2012 / Archiving and methodological contextualisation of Czech audiovisual art, grant provided by the Ministry of Education (centralised developmental project)