The consequences of conceptualism

A conference reflecting on the historical legacy of conceptualism of the 1960s and 70s in current art theory and practice.

The AVU Research Centre organises the 2nd annual conference on art theory.
The conference took place on 26 and 27 May 2011 in the AVU DigiLab lecture theature (U Akademie 4).

The adjective “conceptual” is one of the commonest used by Czech art criticism. However, it is not simply the neutral identification of means of expression, but connotes a certain understanding of the meaning of art that originates in the historical legacy of conceptualism of the 1960s and 70s. What, if anything, remains of its resonance today? What influence does conceptualism have on other artistic approaches? And how does it impact on the Czech and Slovak art scenes. How should we understand the term post/neo-conceptualism?


Thursday, 26 May

9.55 Conference commences

10.00–11.00 Karel Císař (VŠUP, Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Science, Prague): “Photography after conceptual photography”

11.00–12.00 Václav Janoščík (VŠUP, Praha): “The art of the supplement. Derrida in the criticism and theory of Rosalind Krauss and Craig Owens”

12.00–13.00 Jana Geržová (Research Centre, VŠVU, Bratislava): “Painting after the concept”

13.00–14.30 Break

14.30–15.30 Petr Koťátko (Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Science, Prague): “The conceptual artwork (radical conceptualism in literature)”

15.30–16.30 Kamil Nábělek (Technical University, Liberec): “The conservative language of conceptualism”

16.30–17.00 Break

17.00–18.00 Václav Krůček ( “The dematerialisation of art”

18.00–19.00 Nina Vrbanová (FF UKF, Nitra): “Public privacy as a model of the neo-conceptual thematisation of art”

Friday, 27 May

10.00–11.00 Vít Havránek ( “A historical excursion”

11.00–12.00 Daniel Grúň (VŠVU, Bratislava): “The artist’s archive as a parallel institution. The case of Július Koller”

12.00–13.00 Johana Lomová (VŠUP, Praha): “Olga Karlíková as a conceptual artist”

13.00–14.30 Break

14.30–15.30 Beata Jablonská (Research Centre VŠVU, Bratislava): “Art in conflict. Critical art in Slovakia, or on the difficult path from the world home”

15.30–16.30 Jan Zálešák (PF MU, Brno): “The critical point. Finding the social turn in Czech art”

16.30–17.00 Break

17.00–18.00 Alexandra Tamásová (FF TU, Trnava): “And the word became flesh. A contribution to the relationship between conceptual art and the body of art”

18.00–19.00 Michal Koleček (University J. E. Purkyně, Ústí n. L.): “Disturbed balance. The Ústí nad labem neo-conceptual school of the 1990s”