Open call for freelance editors for the 41/2026 thematic issue

The editors of Notebook for Art, Theory and Related Zones are issuing an open call for freelance editors for the 41/2026 thematic issue.

  • Topic: reflections on recent and contemporary art, theory and methodology
  • Languages: Czech, Slovak, English
  • Proposals for the thematic issue must be sent by 15 December 2024

The proposal should include the title of the issue and an annotation (2–3 standard pages) setting forth the theme and outline the basic issues and methodological or conceptual questions the issue would address. The proposal will also include a list of planned texts with brief abstracts (1–2 standard pages), which should be agreed upon in advance with individual authors. The maximum number of specialist articles for the issue is 6 to 7, and texts in other formats can also be submitted (reviews, essays, etc.). We would be happy to answer any questions regarding the suitability of a chosen topic, approach or publishing process.

Deadline for the submission by authors of their manuscripts: December 2025

Please send proposals for the thematic issue by email to You will be notified as to whether your proposal has been accepted by the end of January 2025.

Open call is available here.