For Authors

The Notebook for Art, Theory and Related Zones is a periodical focusing on contemporary visual arts in a broader cultural and theoretical context. The aim of the journal is to cultivate contemporary reflection on art by publishing texts written by specialists in the area of the humanities and social sciences that address the current situation in art and culture in the Czech Republic and abroad. The journal is open access (there is a print version and an open access version available 12 months after the print publication), free of charge. In principle, it is not methodologically defined; the decisive criteria are quality, level of stimulation and relevance for reflection upon contemporary visual art and its theory.

Journal content:

  • Articles
  • Book reviews
  • Critical essays
  • Interviews

For reviewing procedures see our Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement.

Instructions for authors

We welcome manuscripts of 4500 to 8000 words (longer texts are acceptable after consulting the editors). Book reviews and critical essays are expected to be shorter, approximately 2000 to 4000 words. Original texts are submitted electronically in the DOC, DOCX format to

A text must contain the following:

  • title of the study in English
  • English summary (approx. 250 words)
  • at least five key words in English
  • the author’s rank, affiliation and current research (approx. 30–60 words)
  • the author’s contact details (email or website)
  • 2 to 5 figures (not mandatory, JPG format, minimum width 1200 pixels; figures must be labelled with numbered captions that clearly identify and describe them; please follow the formatting instructions below)

Bibliography references

Given in manner of the following samples:

Monography/edited volume:
Slavoj ŽIŽEK, Trouble in Paradise. From the End of History to the End of Capitalism, New York – London: Melville House 2017.
Agata JAKUBOWSKA – Katy DEEPWELL (eds.), All-Women Art Spaces in Europe in the Long 1970s, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press 2021.

Jindřich CHALUPECKÝ, “The Intellectual under Socialism,” in: Laura HOPTMAN – Tomáš POSPISZYL (eds.), Primary Documents. A Sourcebook for Eastern and Central European Art since the 1950s, New York: The Museum of Modern Art 2002, pp. 29–36.

Axel HONNETH, „Liberty’s Entanglements. Bob Dylan and His Era“, Philosophy and Social Criticism, Vol. 36, 2010, No. 7, pp. 777–783.
Jacques RANCIÈRE, “The Emancipated Spectator,” Artforum International, 2007, issue 7, pp. 270–280.
“Naše společná práce je základem dalšího růstu životní úrovně,” Rudé právo, 1968, No. 1, 2 January 1968, p. 1.

Phoebe BRAITHWAITE, “Art’s Ecological Turn and the Sixth Great Extinction,” Frieze, 22 November 2019, (accessed on 4 April 2023).

Diedrich DIEDERICHSEN – Anselm FRANKE (eds.), Love and Ethnology. The Colonial Dialectic of Sensitivity (after Hubert Fichte) (exh. catalog), Berlin: Haus der Kulturen der Welt 2019.

Documenta XV, curator ruangrupa, Kassel: Museum Fridericianum 2022.

Rina BANERJEE, Out of Hollowness of World She Punctured Tight Twisted Curled Horn, Meaty Teeth a Wagon of Emotion, 2017, silk, nets, sequins, beads, bottles, seashells, feathers, Murano glass, 180 x 110 x 45 cm, photo: Bertrand Huet.
Zbyněk BALADRÁN, Work Process, 2004, video still, 2:42 min.

Archival material:
Archive, Fond, inventory number, box number, Title of document, date.

Rutgers University Libraries. Special Collections and University Archives, Lucy Lippard Women’s Art Registry, MC 1488, box 14, Eugenice Golden at Westbeth, 23 October 1973.

Second reference to the same work:
NAME, Abbreviated title, p. X.
If a reference to the same work immediately follows, „Ibid., p. X.“ is given.

Keep the formatting as simple as possible. Do not use separate formats for titles or headings. Align the text to the left. Indent the first lines of paragraphs, except for the first paragraph of the article or its chapter. Do not use Tab to indent paragraphs.

Short quotations:
Quotations within sentences should be given double quotation marks. Any quotations embedded in these quotations should be given single quotation marks.

Long quotations:
Use block quotations (as separate paragraphs) for any quoted material exceeding 3 lines. Quotations within block quotations should be given double quotation marks.


In The Search for the Perfect Language, Umberto Eco writes:

A natural language does not exist only on the basis of a syntactic and a semantics. It also lives on the basis of a pragmatics, that is, it is based on rules of use that take into account the circumstances and contexts of emission, and these same rules of use establish the possibility of rhetorical uses of the language thanks to which syntactic parts and constructions can acquire multiple meanings (as happens with metaphors).1

Generative pre-trained transformers (GPT) are a type of program that can respond to and converse with humans thanks to their ability to recombine words, phrases, and images retrieved from an objectified linguistic network on the internet.

Omissions and comments in quotations:
Comments and additions within quotations should be indicated by square brackets [], and omissions should be indicated by square brackets and an ellipsis mark […].

We prefer American, not British spelling (except in direct quotations).

Please do use italics for
a) titles of works of art
b) titles of books and periodicals (not article titles; put article titles in quotation marks)
c) titles of exhibitions
d) words or very short phrases in languages other than English

We prefer to use the original name or title, followed by its English translation in parentheses.

Svaz československých výtvarných umělců (Union of Czechoslovak Fine Artists)

Any questions are welcome at