Mgr. Marianna Placáková

Marianna Placáková is studying for a doctorate at the Institute of Art History of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague. Her research focuses on feminism and gender contexts during the period of state socialism and post-socialism in relation to visual production. She has worked as editor of the cultural fortnightly A2, participated on the project Secondary Archive (Kozyra Foundation), and been part of the research seminars Narrating Art and Feminisms: Eastern Europe and Latin America, and Gender Politics and the Art of the European Socialist States (Getty Foundation). In 2022, she was visiting fellow at the Center for Women in the Arts and Humanities (Rutgers University). Her work has been published in the journals Umění (Art), Profil, Sešit pro umění, teorii a příbuzné zóny (Notebook for Art, Theory and Related Zones), Filosofický časopis (Philosophical Journal) and Kontradikce (Contradictions).