Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

The journal Notebook for Art, Theory and Related Zones is published by the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague and follows the principles of publication ethics as formulated by the Committee on Publication Ethics (

Editorial staff

The journal accepts submitted manuscrips for review. The selection is agreed on by the editorial staff. Assessment is based on the journal’s focus, research standards and the intellectual content of the manuscript regardless of the ethnicity, citizenship, age, gender, sexual identity or religion of the author. No fees or charges for submitting and/or processing manuscripts are required; no fees or charges for publishing materials are required.

All scholarly studies intended for publication are subject to a double blind review process, with the exception of book reviews, discussion papers, interviews and translations, which are selected and commissioned exclusively by the journal’s editorial staff. Reviewers are carefully selected by the editorial staff with a view to preserving as much anonymity as possible and avoiding potential conflicts of interest within the discipline in question, workplace, and any joint projects underway with the author of the study being reviewed.

Those who participate in the review process remain mutually anonymous. This is ensured by means of communication through the editorial staff. It is the duty of the editorial staff to ensure that information about manuscripts submitted is provided only to the authors, reviewers and members of the staff.

There is no general entitlement to the inclusion of manuscripts submitted in the review process. The editorial staff may refuse to submit a manuscript for review if it finds it inappropriate due to the thematic focus of the journal or for other reasons. The publication of specialist studies in the journal is not remunerated.


The outcomes of reviews are included in the evaluation of manuscripts and assist the editorial staff in the decision-making process. These outcomes should be as objective as possible and formulated in such a way as to be receptive to the author without resorting to personal criticism. The aim is to provide constructive feedback in order to improve the quality of the text under review in terms of its consistency, reader-friendliness and argumentation (see “For reviewers”). The content of reviews should also be supported by the appropriate arguments.

Reviewers should highlight any relevant published and unpublished work not cited in the manuscript under review. Conclusions and arguments that have been used previously by other authors should always be supported by the relevant citations.

It is the duty of reviewers to maintain strict confidentiality regarding the manuscripts under review. The content of the manuscripts and any information obtained during the review process must not be used without the express permission of the author. If there is the threat of a conflict of interest on the side of the reviewer stemming from their relationship with one of the authors, it is the reviewer’s duty to recuse him/herself from the review.


The authors are responsible for the originality of their texts. They are responsible for fully acknowledging all of the sources they have drawn on when writing the text and conducting the research, even in the case of non-peer-reviewed texts (discussion papers, interviews, essays or reviews). They are also obliged to cite publications whose content has indirectly influenced their work (e.g. as regards methodology or the structure of the text). They are also responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce images (after consultation with the editorial staff, a financial contribution by the journal may be possible).

Authors of the manuscripts submitted are required to undergo the peer review process and revise their texts on the basis of the outcomes thereof. By submitting a manuscript to the editorial staff, the author agrees to its publication and declares that the manuscript in question has not been published in any other journal (either in Czech or another language), and that they will not submit it to any other journal while it is still under review in the journal Sešit pro umění, teorii a příbuzné zóny (Notebook for Art, Theory and Related Zones).

The editors have the right to take the necessary measures in the event of any suspicion of unethical practices in the research submitted, or any suspicion of plagiarism or the misuse of someone else’s research. If such conduct is identified, the editors must act immediately and seek to remedy the situation by withdrawing the manuscript from the review or publication process, by supplying the missing information, or by setting the record straight, in a form decided on at the editors’ discretion.


The authors have exclusive rights to the texts they publish in the journal. The graphic layout (of both print and online versions) is the copyright of the graphic designer.

The publisher has the right to publish the edited text in the printed journal and on its website ( in accordance with property rights as defined by the Copyright Act and the Commercial Code of the Czech Republic.