Notebook 3 2007

The Notebook N. 3 is dedicated to the three questions comprising leitmotifs of the twelfth documenta exhibition in Kassel: „Is modernity our antiquity?“ „What is bare life?“ and „What is to be done?“. These three questions were put to selected Czech thinkers and publicists for their thoughts who are active outside the sphere of contemporary art. Along with the original contributions by Michael Hauser, Martin Škabraha and Tomáš Samek, we are including several translated texts from the documenta 12 magazines project, selected to illuminate, deepen or problematize the three leitmotifs.


Michael Hauser

Answer to the Three Questions of documenta 12

John Roberts

Avant-gardes After Avant-Gardism

Klaus Ronneberger

Bare Life or Just Existence?

Tomáš Samek

Two Questions from German Documenta, or Two Times about Public Space

Esther Leslie

Doing something and doing nothing

Slavoj Žižek

Resistance Is Surrender

Hakim Bey

Nietzsche & The Dervishes


Czech, English

Number of pages


