VVP AVU on the workshop Open Archives on media art and digital archives

30th October 2007, from 5 am, Intermedia Institute, Faculty of Electrical Engineering of Czech Technical University in Prague (ČVUT), room H24/2, Technická 2, 166 27, Prague 6

The Open Archives project organized by the Intermedia Institute of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of Czech Technical University in Prague in the days of 29. 10 – 4.11. 2007 is focused on exhibiting and archiving initiatives mapping, re-storing and interpreting contemporary and modern art, experimental film and video, media art and industrial heritage. Screening program is enriched with daily program of lectures, presentations and discussions of various Czech and international digital archives: for example Woody Vasulka, an eminent international video art pioneer, is presenting his electronic arts archive project, Vasulka, together with media artist Thomas Thiel, present the recent exhibition project MindFrames, created in collaboration with ZKM Karlsruhe; Other initiatives and institutes planning to present are as follows – Hyperkino, FAMU – VVP AVU – Research Centre for Industrial Heritage, ČVUT –Konvergence, FAMU; as well as international – WRO Centrum Sztuki Mediów from Wrocław – Ludwig Boltzmann Institut from Linz in Austria –project 40yearsvideoart Art_clips.ch.at.de, ZKM Karlsruhe – or projektCaspar / Cultural, Artistic and Scientific knowledge for Preservation, Access and Retrieval.

Public is welcome.

» Press release